Boring design, good design.
In the fast-paced tech industry—where everything new and exciting is happening every now and then, every here and there—being boring has it's own virtue.
For one, it helps you to identifies which one is not and which one is important for you; which one is only artificial, superficial; which one is fundamental.
I consider creating value as important, and I believe good design creates value.
Good design can manifest as good coding practice, good BE architecture, good client architecture, good devops pipeline, good UI/UX, et cetera..
The word "good" is relative and are very contextual. Defining them is an art by itself. And of course, to be human is to be full of limitation and weakness. We can only define what's "good enough".
Continues later..
My journey of engineering Material Design 2. I took inspiration their implementation in the Material Components (Web) Catalogue here.
But they do don't have an example implementation for charts & graphic there. So I intend to complement them here with additional libraries such as d3.js and others.
This is purely my own view, so take it with a grain of salt.
The donut that you do nut eat
We can use donut chart to easily summarizes the current completion of a process or task.
Donut chart can be put side-by-side with their supporting text.
Getting better over time
It is common for data to have a temporal dimensions. It can show you progress over time. It is a powerful evaluation tools.
Line charts are usually used to show movement over time.